Three Ways to Enhance Engagement at #HIMSS18

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HIMSS18 is a staple for those in the health IT industry, so much so that we often forget to explore new strategies for engagement at the show. This year’s conference is just around the corner, taking place from March 5-9, 2018 at the Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas. While you have likely already begun to execute your marketing and PR strategies, don’t fret – there are several tactics you still have time to implement in advance of the show that can have a real impact.

Geo Targeting on Twitter

Over 1,300 companies exhibit on the show floor each year and many, many more participate from afar. Last year 31,000 different accounts used the #HIMSS17 hashtag. With so many health IT vendors all vying for attention, it’s important to use tactics that can cut through the noise and actually drive booth traffic. By leveraging Twitter’s geo targeting tools, you can target people who are in the Sands Convention Center with your messages. Rather than just putting your #HIMSS18 out into the health IT ether, a modest budget can help you reach the right audience at the right time.

Use Sysomos to Better Understand Social Conversations

According to one of the HIMSS17 Social Media Ambassadors, the #HIMSS17 hashtag generated 685 million impressions from 119,000 tweets last year. To better understand who is truly influencing the conversation and the topics that are being discussed, use a social tool like Sysomos. With Sysomos, and other similar tools, you can break down conversations by hashtag and get clarity around who is reaching the masses concerning various topics. Information like this can help you create marketing collateral for the event that is incredibly timely or develop a content strategy coming out of the show as follow-up.

Personalized Outreach

While digital tools are essential, old school communications still go a long way. If you haven’t already tiered your approach (perhaps in partnership with your sales team), determine who is at the top of your list. Instead of using a one-size fits all approach to outreach, spend 10-15 minutes writing a tailored message to top targets, detailing how you can help them improve their business in the coming year. Outreach via email, with follow-ups on LinkedIn and retweets and mentions on Twitter can help keep you top of mind among your targets.In addition to the above, we advise bringing comfortable shoes, a large water bottle and snacks. The show floor is massive and you need to keep survival supplies with you at all times. Have fun and we’ll see you in fabulous Las Vegas!Jen TooleAccount Director, Healthcare [cta]

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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