This Week in Tech: The Chips Fall, and Rebuilding Notre-Dame

Leslie Clavin
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It looks like Spring has finally sprung here at SHIFT SF –just in time for the weekend! These are some of the stories that our B2B techteams have been monitoring throughout the week:

Apple, Qualcomm settle

In tech legal news, Apple and chipmaker Qualcomm reacheda settlement in their two-year legal battle over royalty fees. At the coreof the lawsuit was a dispute over the formula used to calculate how much Applepaid Qualcomm to use its chips in iPhones. In the last-minute settlement,agreed to as the trial was set for opening arguments in Silicon Valley, Appleagreed to pay Qualcomm an undisclosed amount estimated by analyst firm UBS tobe as steep as $6 billion (a price that Apple can well afford). The companiesalso pledged to continue working together on future phones.

That last part of the settlement might have the largerimpact on future 5G smartphones. Qualcomm is the only major U.S. supplier of 5Gwireless chips. The settlement could mean future Apple devices will incorporateQualcomm chips to connect to the ultra-fast 5G networks that are starting todeploy around the nation. It also could mean Apple could end up paying apremium for 5G chips, given that premier foreign suppliers like Huawei andSamsung make chips for their own devices. Other 5G chipset makers’ productstypically are not suitable for high-end devices like the iPhone.

Rebuilding Notre-Dame

For a tech take on the tragic fire at Notre-Dame Cathedralin Paris earlier this week, TheAtlantic tells the tale of an architectural historian who had 3D mapped theentire structure inside and out. “When you’re working on medieval buildings,it’s difficult to have the impression you can say anything new. They’ve beenlooked at and written about for ages,” the historian, Andrew Tallon, is quotedas saying. “So I’ve been using more sophisticated technology these days to tryto get new answers from the same building.”

It’s a wonderful long-read on how technology can capture theessence of one of the world’s most popular landmarks and shed light on hiddenfeatures that can influence the eventual rebuilding of the cathedral.

Timing is everything

On Thursday, Facebook updated a March blog post, whichwe covered here, admitting that the passwordsof millions of Instagram users were stored on an unencrypted fileaccessible to Facebook employees. From a PR perspective, the timing wasbrilliant: slide the update into the news cycle while the rest of the world wasfocused on the release of the Mueller Report. From a user perspective, this wasjust the latest security blunder by a company that, as the tech site Recodephrased it “doesn’t convey the message that Facebook cares strongly that usersare aware of this issue.”

(Un)related pro tip

We’re hiring here at SHIFT. If spring has you itching for a new beginning, careerwise, come check out our Job Openings.

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