This Week in Tech: Is WeWork a Tech Company?

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It’s Friday. You know what that means – time to read all about the latest, most trend-worthy tech news our B2B PR teams have been monitoring all week. Here’s your rundown:

WeWork files to go public

WeWork filed to go public on Wednesday – but should that be considered tech news? I was debating whether or not to include it in the blog since I’ve always thought of it as a real-estate company (one that garners a ton of attention from the tech and startup-focused media). Examining the question even further, here’s a great piece from Business Insider on how WeWork is trying to position itself as a tech company, which would help its image with investors. The word “platform” is even mentioned 170 times throughout its S-1 filing.

AT&T and T-Mobile take on robocalls

Two of the country’s largest mobile carriers announced this week that they’d be teaming up to protect their customer bases from the non-stop onslaught of scam robocalls. U.S. mobile users received almost 48 million of these calls last year, which honestly seems a little low based on my experience (I probably get at least 3 a day). Great initiative by AT&T and T-Mobile, and a solid PR move.

The big AI lie?

AI and machine learning technology is complex and not always well defined, and it turns out some companies might be taking advantage of this confusion. This week, The Wall Street Journal published a piece about startup, with several current and former employees saying that it’s been exaggerating its AI capabilities to attract customers and investors. It’s a really interesting piece that examines the pressures many tech entrepreneurs are facing to incorporate some form of AI into their solutions now that VCs and end-users have come to expect it.

Are smart ovens trying to burn the house down?

It’s being reported that at least three smart June Ovens have turned on in the middle of the night, heating up to 400 degrees or more. The company’s CEO told The Verge that the owners themselves, not the ovens, are at fault. While this could be true, I would not have recommended putting the blame solely on the customers if I had been managing this crisis communications situation. Even if it’s not a hardware issue, if enough users are accidentally activating their ovens like this through their device, it’s a problem. He should have made it crystal clear that safety is a top priority while providing advice and best practices on how to make sure it doesn’t happen moving forward.

Capital One hacker may have done even more damage

The Capital One data breach may have been the tip of the iceberg. The Justice Department says that the former Amazon employee responsible for this summer’s breach may also be responsible for “major cyber intrusions that resulted in the theft of massive amounts of data from what now appears to be more than 30 victim companies.”

Pro tip

We’re still hiring! And you should come work with us. Check out our openings here.

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