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The Big Game is finally here! In just a couple of days, the Patriots and Eagles will face off in Super Bowl LII. As a marketing professional, you’re probably salivating at the social media opportunities the big game presents as much as you’re salivating for those halftime snacks. But if you’re like me, you don’t have $5 million lying around for a coveted 30-second spot during the biggest sporting event in America. Sigh. Don’t fret, there are ways to get off the sideline and participate during the game other than taking out a loan. Taking advantage of real-time marketing, marketing performed on the fly during a current event, is an outstanding cost-free way to step off the sideline and get into the action. Down below are some simple tips to snag the attention of one of the biggest audiences of the year.

Plan for “Predictable” Moments

Believe it or not, there are predictable moments of the game that you can plan and craft up posts for ahead of time. The coin toss, timeouts, halftime show, etc. are all things that are guaranteed to happen. You can even create content about events that aren’t necessarily a guarantee but are typical of a football game script such as fumbles, interceptions, flags, and a Brady to Gronk touchdown (you New Englanders know what I’m talking about). So get your creative juices flowing and think of some clever posts you can create before kickoff. It is also important to know the relevant hashtags. #Patriots and #FlyEaglesFly are the team hashtags you can use on Twitter that will auto-populate the team’s emoji next to it. You can also use the hashtag #SB52 but remember, you can’t mention “Super Bowl” in any of your copy. However, you can use Superb Owl. Using those hashtags are easy ways to engage with fans of the respective teams, keep your posts relevant, and can boost engagement and reach on a post.

Pay Attention for Unexpected Moments

You don’t have to pay attention to every single play, but take advantage of critical moments. This wouldn’t be a true Super Bowl blog post if the Oreo “Dunk in the Dark” tweet wasn’t mentioned. tweet famously went viral during the Super Bowl blackout in 2013. It is an extremely clever example of taking advantage of a real-time marketing and an unexpected commonality between all viewers. This single tweet filled the stat sheet with 15,000 retweets and 6,800 likes. Those are Hall of Fame numbers. Be on your toes. Keep your wits about you. One of these moments is bound to happen. And you’ll want to be the one that capitalizes on it.

Create Emotional and Light Content

Emotion plays a major role in the Super Bowl. Just look at some of these fan reactions from the Patriots unbelievable comeback win last year. And if you don’t think the emotion of last year’s game is still lingering, just ask the city of Atlanta. Your post should tap into strong emotions that fans may be feeling so they are relatable. It’s best to stick to happier emotions and keeping content light and humorous. People want to laugh and expect clever messaging so don’t be a Debbie downer and try not post anything too serious during the game. Anything from making lighthearted jokes about players to other brands in conversation is fair game. Just be sure to think about what you’re going to post and make sure it can’t be interpreted wrongly. You don’t want to get a flag on the play.There’s the playbook to have a successful real-time marketing strategy during the Super Bowl. Need some further inspiration? Here are some of the most mentioned topics and most popular posts from last year’s Super Bowl. There were 27.6 million Super Bowl 51 tweets. Will yours be the one that makes a splash this year?Nick PattersonMarketing Analyst[cta]

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

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