Holiday Healthcare Marketing: How Providers Leveraged the Season for Social Good

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Another holiday season has come and gone, and once again served as the perfect time to tap into loyal supporters to help those in need. Healthcare providers in particular found creative ways to grasp the hearts of others during this season of giving. They worked hard to spread awareness for their organization’s mission and raise the critical money they needed. Below are three examples of healthcare providers who leveraged the holidays in interesting ways to successfully market to and engage their audiences.“Share the Wonder of the Holidays” Giving Campaign: Children’s Hospital Association partnered with American Girl Doll for the holiday season. For every doll that was purchased, American Girl Doll donated a doll to little girls receiving care in any of the CHA’s hospitals.What we learned: Strategic partnerships can prove to be excellent allies in social good campaigns. This giving campaign is a great example of how healthcare providers can team up with outside brands to reach beyond their usual audience. American Girl Doll is a popular retail organization that attracts affluent, young girls. Because American Girl Doll caters to the high-end consumer, the hope was that the campaign would spread awareness to this specific demographic.“Decorate Our Tree Campaign”: St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital created an interactive Christmas tree to engage supporters during the holidays. People were encouraged to decorate their own digital ornament, including a personal message, for the patients at St. Jude’s. Upon completion of an ornament, visitors were also prompted to make a donation.What we learned: Though this initiative seems simple, it was an easy way to make supporters feel that they were contributing to St. Jude’s cause and brightening patients’ holidays. Though the overall goal was to raise money, including a free way for people to offer their support made the campaign more inclusive. Depending on your goals and your target audience, it’s a good idea to provide several options to participate so that all ages, backgrounds, incomes etc. are able to be involved and spread the word.Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund’s Holiday Collection: Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund created a collection of holiday themed gift items where all proceeds went to Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund. The available gifts included popular gift products that consumers typically buy for friends and family.What we learned: Recognizing the demand for these items, Dana-Farber created a one-stop shop for consumers to purchase them while also giving back to an organization that saves lives every day. It’s a simple way for people to accomplish two things with one click. Simplicity is a key component to every successful marketing campaign; the easier you can make something for someone the more participation you’ll see. In this case, helping people get their Christmas shopping done while also contributing to a good cause was a win-win.Whether it was partnering with a strategic brand, creating interactive online holiday crafts or selling holiday related items from your own website, there were many ways that healthcare providers leveraged the holidays to effectively engage their current and prospective audiences. Above all, the most important thing to remember is to create a campaign that aligns with your organization’s mission, while also being unique and interactive.

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