Agency Life 101: Getting to Know Amanda Munroe

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We take a lot of pride in our workplace here at SHIFT -- from our work ethic to our culture. When people talk about "agency" life, there tends to be a mix of truth and misconceptions. In order to give a true representation of what life is like here at SHIFT, we thought it might be a cool idea to start a series on that exact topic. What better way to start than by chatting with one of our veterans, Amanda Munroe who is currently a Vice President here. April marks Amanda's 10th year at SHIFT. She first joined as an AE and worked her way up the ranks all the way to VP. What is it about our agency that has kept her around?Let's find out ...

Amanda Munroe

Fill us in: what has kept you at the Agency for so long?No two days are alike. I’ve been constantly challenged throughout my ten years here. I’ve had new clients, new team members, entirely new teams, different managers, various SHIFT Boston office locations, life-long friends and different responsibilities! I’ve never been bored, and I’ve learned to embrace change because it always brings opportunities. There hasn’t been a day that I didn’t learn something new, whether it’s about myself, a client challenge, new business opportunity or team management question.Today, I focus much of my time on client satisfaction and the team, ensuring that clients are receiving great counsel and each person is learning, growing, being challenged and delivering superior work. I have the pleasure of having crazy-smart team members. They keep me on my toes and keep me laughing.What is your favorite part about SHIFT?My team. My goal is to always do good work, impress clients and help people on the team grow and learn. I know that I can tap anyone on my team for the very best ideas and strategy for clients and new business opportunities. But what’s equally important to me is that we have fun. I rarely end a meeting without having a few laughs, and my team certainly indulges me. I know I can rely on them to do amazing client work and take their results seriously, while also knowing how to enjoy life.Is there one particular memory that stands out during your time here?Yes! The day Todd (Defren) told us about “Facebook” and insisted everyone get an account. Believe it or not, there was actually a time when social media didn’t exist, and Facebook required a university email address to access it. At that time, the general public didn’t want to share anything that they were doing or eating publicly, and if they did, no one cared!When Facebook became available to everyone, we started to realize that this could have an impact on brands, despite there being few on the network at the time. The problem was that only a small handful of SHIFTers had accounts and understood how it worked. We were challenged to offer advice to clients.Todd called a meeting and insisted we create an account so we could learn how it might impact our PR programs. I hated the idea – why would I want to post pictures of myself ON THE INTERNET?? Why would I want to blur the lines between work and my personal life? I wasn’t the only one; anxious chatter was rampant across the office (particularly from the “older” crowd). Fast forward 8 years later and I use Facebook every day to stay in touch with long-distance friends and relatives and engage with my favorite TV shows, bands and brands. I guess he was onto something!As the Agency has grown and changed, is there one thing you think has remained constant?There has always been an underlying energy that we’ve all been working toward something big. That everything we do is important because it will significantly change the PR industry, our clients and SHIFT. From day one, even when we were working with smaller brands and pitching print trade magazines, before social media and infographics, before Google analytics and CRM data, the buzz around the agency was that we were in the midst of changing it all. And everyone knew they played a critical role in making it a reality for SHIFT. To this day, that is our energy.For those who are out there searching for a job or looking for an agency, what is the one thing you recommend they look for in their future place of employment?Growth opportunity. When it comes to a career in PR, there are so many different things to experience and master – brand reputation management, media relations, messaging, crisis communications, events, analyst relations, media training, celebrity endorsements, etc. Finding a job that gives you the opportunity to work your way up and try different things not only keeps you motivated but also helps you find your talent and passion.Have any more questions for Amanda? Leave them in the comments! If SHIFT sounds like a place you want to be, check out our job opportunities.Amanda GrinavichMarketing Analyst[cta]

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